Day 730: THE END

Today is my 25th birthday, and this is it. Day 730. Two years of daily blogging in a row, nonstop. I made it!

No matter what I do in my life from here on out, that achievement can never be undone. That brings a delicious sense of satisfaction!

I’m grateful for every single one of you who have been with me on this journey. For my readers, whom although I don’t know, I felt a tremendous sense of accountability to complete. For my clients, who frequently inspired ideas for blog posts. For my boyfriend, Daniel, who patiently waits for me to finish a blog post before I can go to bed. For my past self, for setting myself this goal. And for Sean Wes, for inspiring me to do it in the first place.

Here are some of the things I learned, after two years:

  1. Blogging isn’t a habit you can build. It definitely didn’t become automatic after 21 days. The habit I built was discipline.

  2. It’s okay to do B– work. When you embark on a project like daily blogging, perfectionism really gets kicked to the curb. (If you want to let go of perfectionism I highly recommend publishing something daily!). Although I developed my writing voice throughout the process (someone described it as “punchy”!), some days I just settled for a really average, really boring post. And I’m okay with that.

  3. Accountability is everything. I had many days where I considered stopping. But I had publicly announced it so many times that it just felt like there was no option but to go on.

  4. Another key reason I stuck to it when I didn’t feel like it was just how big the goal was. I felt like, if I’d already done 43 days, or 202 days, or 564 days, how could I stop now? That’s the power of setting impossible goals.

  5. Learning to show up daily is one of the best things I’ve ever done. Now I trust myself to hit any goal I set myself – because I know that I’m willing to show up, even on weekends, and Christmas, and birthdays.

And so now, I’m done. I considered continuing with daily blogging, but I decided not to.

Endings are wonderful.

They provide space for new beginnings.

And I’ve got some new impossible goals to attend to. (I promise I’ll still post on occasion, I’m not deserting this blog forever!).

Until then, thank you for coming along on this wild ride.


GoalsSarah Arnold-Hall
Reflecting on My Favourite Posts

On the second-to-last day of blogging in a row, I thought it would be fun to have a look back on my favourite blog posts of the last two years (because let’s face it, when you post every day, not every post is going to be a banger, but that also means there are occassionally some gems).

Here are 13 of my favourites:

You Actually Sell Croissants
About how to market your business

How to Overcome Self-Doubt
About building trust with yourself

The Last Minute
About keeping going until the very end

How to Hustle
About taking action from abundance vs lack

Outwork Chance
About guaranteeing success

The Points System
About how to sell something

Consistency is only ONE of the keys
About consistency on social media

Good Girls Don’t Make Money
About the unexplained importance of money

Ambitious Women Change The World
About why I’m so ambitious

What If We Showed Up Like Every Day Was The Last Day?
About giving it your all

You’ve Got Everything You Need to Hit Your Goal
About starting now

Showing Up No Matter What
About committing to your goals

Action Works Like Money
About compounding interest

Future Thinking

When you think from the future, you’re not asking yourself the question “What do I want?” but instead, “What does future me want?”.

Sometimes, it’s the same thing.

But often, it’s something totally different.

Current me wants to take today off. Future me wants to feel accomplished.

So I’m working.

But it doesn’t feel hard and I don’t resent it.

Future me? I love that gal! I’d joyfully do anything for her.


Today I’ve been outlining my podcast (my next project after I finish two years of blogging).

I’m not sure whether I’ll launch it soon, or if it’s the kind of thing that will need to simmer for a while.

Either way, it’s coming.

I'll announce it here when it's out (because I plan to still post on my blog occasionally – just not daily).

What would you like to hear in a podcast from me? Leave me a comment or email me at with your suggestions.

GoalsSarah Arnold-Hall
How to Create A New Belief

Our brains need specific evidence to create a belief.

Your job is to find specific evidence for why the beliefs you want to believe are already true.

With enough evidence consistently fed to your brain, it will accept anything you tell it.

No matter what you want to believe, spend your time finding evidence.

How to Take Action
How to take Action Flowchart.jpg

After doing hundreds and hundreds of coaching sessions, I discovered that there are four main areas that stop people from taking action:

  1. Not having a clear goal

  2. Not having a simple plan

  3. Not scheduling their actions

  4. Having unhelpful thoughts

So I made a flowchart. Enjoy!

Who Knew Exercise Could Be So FUN?

In line with my bonus goal of making all of my goals FUN, I’m going to my third spin class in 3 days today.

If you had told me 3 months ago that I would be getting super into cycling, I’d think you were CRAZY.

I’ve never been good at biking, but it turns out that spin class is amaaaazing.

The one I go to has a giant screen at the front, and it shows a virtual reality cycling track in made-up worlds, and goes to the beat of electronic music. The lights are off, there’s an instructor yelling motivational quotes and the best bit – you get to choose how much resistance you put on your bike.

It is SO fun, and I can’t wait to go again.

Bonus July Goal

I know we’re already a third of the way through July, but I’m adding an extra goal this month: FUN.

Things were getting a bit too serious.

I could feel myself starting to stress out and then I was like WAIT A MINUTE. Goals are just for fun!

So fun is my highest priority this month.

How do you inject extra fun into your goals?

GoalsSarah Arnold-Hall
I Joined a Gym (Again)

Today, I joined a gym (again).

On March 1st, 2020, I joined a gym in Brighton, UK. We all know what happened in March 2020 (if you’re reading this like, waaaay in the future and have forgotten – the COVID-19 Pandemic hit enough of the world for a global lockdown). So the gym closed (although, more to the point, I moved back to New Zealand a few days before lockdown).

But something else happened around then. I developed what I thought was chronic shoulder and back injury, but turned out to be something called TMS, which is SO curable. You can read all about my journey here.

I’ve never felt so blessed to have the movement of my body.

I did a 40-minute spin class today that 3 months ago would have had me on the floor in terrible pain 10 minutes in. I completed it without any issue AND did an aerobics class an hour later.

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you might know that each week, I rate myself on eight different areas of my life and then work on how to improve each area. Health & Fitness has been a solid 8/10 since I healed my chronic pain, and now I want to push it to a 10. I’ve always resisted going to the gym because I never really know what to do, but recently I found a gym with some fun classes (and it’s only a 7-minute walk from my house, which helps a lot!).

I’ve already found a gym buddy on my first day, and I’ve got high hopes.

Of course, the classic issue with the gym is that most people don’t go as much as they say they want to.

We all think “this year will be different.” But don’t actually change anything to ensure that it is.

So I’m taking on the identity of someone who goes to the gym.

Someone who LOVES to exercise.

It’s who I AM now.

Future Self Exercise

Think about your future self.

Who do you need to be TODAY for that version of you to come alive TOMORROW?

What do you need to do in your 20s to have the life you want in your 30s?

Action Is A Skill

You’ve got a BIG goal. You know what you want. 

But you haven’t taken the action to get it… yet.

So many of you have told me that fear, anxiety and lack of motivation hold you back from taking consistent action towards your goals.

I hear you so deeply because THIS WAS ME.

My own brain used to always be in the way of me getting what I wanted.

I was the queen of having two super motivated days and then falling off the wagon again.

Until I learned the skill of taking action and started hitting my goals every time.

(And I say skill, because taking consistent action really is a skill, and I can teach it to you.)

I’m holding a How To Take ACTION Masterclass this weekend on Zoom.

You don’t want to miss it.

Email me at if you want in.

Keep Going

When you know DEEP inside that you’re meant for something HUGE, it’s the most frustrating thing to look around and see your life not where you want it to be.

When your goals are still just goals.

When you feel like you’ve been at it literally forever.

When you’ve told your entire extended family about your dream and they kinda doubt you and you want to prove them wrong and you’re STILL not there.

It’s exhausting.

I used to be there, in 2018/2019, before my business took off.

But that’s why I’m qualified to tell you that it’s worth it to keep going.

When you’re not there yet, it doesn’t mean you won’t ever get there, I promise.

No matter what your goal is, if you’ve started, you’re in the middle of achieving it.

You’re in the middle of being a full time entrepreneur.

You’re in the middle of writing a best selling book.

You’re in the middle of becoming a world-touring speaker.

You’re in the middle of becoming the healthiest version of you.

You’re not lost, you’re not stuck. 

You’re just in the middle.

The only ones who make it are the ones who keep going.

Keep going. It’s so worth it.

My Style

I’m a go go go, push your limits, do whatever it takes, go all in, hustle-coz-you-love-it kinda girl.

But that’s not the only way to go after your goals.

Some of my closest friends and mentors are much more "Go with the flow, let it be, breathe into it” kinda people.

There is no right way to achieve your goals.

There is only the way that resonates with you.

I publicly share my ideas and philosophies on the internet because it might be the vibe that helps you.

But if it doesn’t, I totally invite you to ignore everything I say and go and crush your goals anyway.

If your way works better for you, DEFINITELY do that.

We can have different views and still all crush our goals.