March 2021 Goals Review

  1. Grow my Impossible Girls Facebook Group to 5000 members!
    NOT DONE. I didn’t complete this and I know exactly why: I didn’t make it a priority. I didn’t focus on it, almost at all. I spent my energy focusing on all of my other goals and it’s taught me an important lesson: Don’t set too many goals at once!

  2. Show up every single day in my group and add more love than ever before.

  3. Do some of our Tony Robbins relationship course each day.
    Half done – we did it 50% of the days. Not perfect, but it’s still 15 days more than we were doing before we started the course, so that’s a win!

  4. Mindset journaling every single morning, no excuses.
    This is the one I’m most proud of – because I’ve always wanted to create a habit of mindset journaling. It made a massive difference, and I had a really successful month overall.

  5. Go walking 3x a week.

  6. Join a hip hop class.
    DONE – except that instead of hip hop, I signed up to a tap class because of my shoulder injury. (Fun fact: I tap danced for 15 years and used to teach it!). Excited to go back!

  7. See friends 3x a week.

GoalsSarah Arnold-Hall