April 2021 Goals Review


I’m stoked with my progress this month. I don’t try to control the uncontrollable, but thanks to my goals in April, the things I can control do feel in control, which is an amazing feeling (because it’s not always the case!). Here’s my rundown of April:

  1. Time-block all of my activities – and really, genuinely stick to the time I said I would do them.

    I didn’t write a SINGLE to-do list the entire month. Whaaaat?! That might have been the longest I’ve ever been in my LIFE without writing a to-do list. I simply put all of my to-dos onto my calendar and found time for all of them. Loving this system. I never feel stressed about lots of things to do, because each task has a designated time it will get done, pre-planned on my calendar. So freeing!

  2. Take my evenings and weekends fully off.

    I have been SO much better at this. Not perfect. But waaaay better. The only time I have worked in the evenings or weekends was if there was something genuinely urgent that needed to get done.