Calendar Hacking


Since I was about eight years old, I’ve been the queen of to do lists.

I have shopping lists, work lists, packing lists, general lists, specific lists, and best of all, the master list, the list where I keep a list of EVERYTHING. 

Time management is something I’ve been tackling for a few years, and recently I realised that to do lists are actually terrible for time management.

I have no idea how long a task is going to take, when I’m going to finish it, and how many I can *actually* fit into my day.

So instead, I’ve been working on calendar hacking.

A while ago I wrote a post about how I was going to start putting every to do list item into my calendar, and throw away my to do list.

I tried it, but I felt overwhelmed with everything being so tightly scheduled.

So these last two weeks, I’ve tried it again, but this time I’m being ruthless about what actually needs to be done, and what doesn’t.

Now my to do list is gone, my calendar is manageable and I actually feel like there’s room to breathe.

I LOVE it.

Goodbye to do list.

MindsetSarah Arnold-Hall