Selling is a Gift In Itself


I’m a coach and I sell coaching. 

It’s how I keep 99% of my content, like my blog, my videos and my Facebook group, totally free.

Selling is one of the ways I give.

  • It’s helpful to the people who get their problem solved by paying me.

  • It’s helpful to the people who benefit from my free content.

  • It’s helpful to the people who I can buy from because I was paid.

Selling is a beautiful thing.

And yet we’ve all been conditioned to believe charging money for our gifts is too salesy and we should give our time, knowledge, services, and products away for free.

Imagine if your local supermarket closed down from fear of being too salesy.

“We bought all this food but we just felt so bad about selling stuff that we just shutdown the store.”

What? No! Sell me some food please!

Thank goodness people sell things.

Thank goodness for advertisements.

Thank goodness for our free will to choose whether we want to buy or not.

People want you to sell them the solution to their problem.

Selling is a gift in itself.

Go and give it to someone.