You Can Have Anything You Want If You’re Willing to Do This One Thing



You can have anything you want if you’re willing to ask 1000 people.

Most people just aren’t willing to ask.

It feels like too much.

It feels scary.

We don’t want to bother anyone.

What if you asked, though?

Imagine asking 1000 different celebrities to be on your podcast.

Or asking 1000 TEDx organisations to do a talk.

Or asking 1000 connected people on linked in if they will introduce you to Rihanna’s record producer.

Or asking 1000 magazine editors to get you a 15 minute chat with Anna Wintour. 

It would probably work, right?

Someone would help.

And most of the time, it doesn’t take 1000 people.

Sometimes it just takes one person.

Because people want to say yes. We’re wired to say yes.

When I was starting out coaching 3 years ago, I asked a well-known entrepreneur if I could coach them for free in exchange for their $1000 online course. It worked.

Last year, I asked strangers at the mall to subscribe to me on YouTube – and long story short, I got 40 new subscribers in a day.

What if asking is the only thing standing between you and massive success?

What could you ask right now for that would move you closer to your goal?