Sarah Arnold-Hall

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Growth = Happiness

Do you ever feel like the anticipation of your birthday is more exciting than your actual birthday?

It’s not to say that the birthday isn’t enjoyable, but that the imagining, the anticipating, the planning - they are all what make it so special.

It’s my 30th day of daily blogging today, and I’m super pleased I’ve made it this far. I can feel my writing and my content evolving already. One month down, 23 to go!

Although achieving the final goal and passing the finish line is important, I discovered that it’s actually more about the growth.

It’s not about “being there” (I don’t want to wake up tomorrow and find out that I’ve blogged for two years already, that would be awful because I would have missed out on the experience of doing it) and it’s not even about the journey - it’s about the moment we’re in right now. Enjoying writing this, right now.

But how can I be 100% happy with now, if I’m so ambitious?

A while ago, I wrote my own definition of happiness. It took me three days (I’m not kidding) of introspecting and researching to figure out what happiness means to me.

I came up with this definition:

Happiness is being content with the stage of growth you’re currently in.

So, while I’m on day 30 of my two year blogging challenge - I’m not trying to rush ahead to the last day. I am content with the stage of growth I’m currently in.