Every Day is the Last Day of October


What if you decided to show up every single day in October like it was the 31st of October?

What would October look like if every single day you acted as if there was only one day left to hit your goal?

1st of October = Give it your all

2nd of October = Give it 100%

3rd of October = Give it everything you've got

4th of October = Crush it harder than ever before

...31st of October = Celebrating like crazy because you surpassed your goal like a total boss.

Imagine where you could be at the end of this month.

It's like that movie, 50 First Dates.

Drew Barrymore's character has 24-hour amnesia, so every day Adam Sandler's character gets another chance to make a first impression.

Except this is 31 LAST dates with your goal.

Every day is another chance to crush it like it's the last day before the deadline.