Self Love & Discipline


I don’t have to decide if I will show up for my goals today – because it’s not even a question. My actions are automatic.

But they weren’t always – my bestie Georgia will tell you she had to physically push PUBLISH on my first blog post for me because I had been procrastinating so much she couldn’t handle it anymore 😂

I was the WORST at getting up in the morning. I couldn’t get to work on time to save myself. 

When I stopped viewing discipline as restrictive, and started seeing it as the key to freedom, everything turned around.

You can be disciplined too.

Discipline is self love. It’s showing your future self how much you love her.

It’s doing the work in the morning so you can watch Netflix later, guilt-free.

Love yourself enough to give yourself the gift of self-discipline.

HabitsSarah Arnold-Hall