May 2021 Goals Review


Five months into 2021. How can that be REAL? Here’s my rundown of my May Goals:

  1. Complete the back healing work by Dr Sarno
    DONE. I’ve finished reading (listening) to his book on audible, and I have to say, May has been the month with the least back/neck/shoulder pain that I’ve had in the last year and a half. I’m OVER THE MOON! I’m also doing 21 day e-book program by another author, who put it together through the teachings of Dr Sarno. I’m going to do a proper review/talk about my back pain, but for now – if you have any type of chronic pain at all, READ OR WATCH SOMETHING BY DR SARNO! I mean it when I say it’s life-changing.

  2. Mindset journal every day in May
    INCOMPLETE. Some days I did this in my journal, some days in my phone, but there were a few days I didn’t do. I realise it was because I wasn’t checking in with my goal list for May enough, to stay on track. I let myself off the hook too easily. However, I can say that daily, I still thought about the question, “Who do I need to BE to create the result I want?”

  3. Implement steps to make my daily work tasks more effortless
    DONE. I changed some of the privacy settings on my social media accounts so that I’m not receiving as many spam messages, which is really helping me stay on task. I’ve also been repurposing my blog content and social media posts to create new ones, and that makes the “show up every day” motto that I live by a lot more effortless. Additionally, today I started getting up at 6am to write and create content to make the rest of my day more effortless (hey, it’s May 31st, it still counts towards this goal!).

  4. Start tap dancing (excited about this one because I danced for 13 years as a kid!)
    DONE. I’ve been to four classes and I’m loving being back. I joined an advanced class and discovered that while I know how to do all of the steps, the challenge has been to re-train my brain to learn choreography as quickly as it’s being taught! I posted my life assessment categories the other day, and the satisfaction in my “hobbies” category has increased because I joined tap. In June, I’ve signed up to do Lindy Hop Swing Dancing and a dance fitness class too. I’m excited to get back into dancing in a big way!

Did you hit your May Goals? Let me know in the comments!