My June 2021 Goals


Usually I have mostly business-related goals, but this month I’m feeling the pull to focus on my health and relationships. I've healed my shoulder (whaaaat?! More on this soon!) so it feels like a great time to get back into some more rigorous health routines.

  1. Do a cardio workout at least 4x a week
    I was doing cardio before, but kind of being cautious and holding back. Now that I know I’m safe to exercise, I’m excited to just go for it! I track my satisfaction across different life arenas, and my health arena has been steadily climbing. My goal is to get from a 7/10 to an 8/10 in the health arena this month.

  2. Join a dance class with Daniel
    We just signed up to Lindy Hop Swing Dancing classes (1940s/1950s style) and some of our friends are coming too. I’ve done it once before and it’s a real workout!

  3. Actively revisit the Ultimate Relationship Program
    Some of you may recall that I was doing this Tony Robbins relationship program with Daniel. It’s super comprehensive and definitely not a “10-day program” as it’s suggested to be. I’d recommend spending at least 3 months on it! So now we’re going to revisit the next level of teachings and content. We just celebrated our 6 year anniversary in May, and we’re ready to dive back in!

  4. Double my emergency fund
    I was leaving this goal for the end of the year in my planning, but it looks like I’m ahead of schedule. Does anyone else get major satisfaction from building an emergency fund? (I’ve watched a LOT of Dave Ramsey videos haha).

What are your June goals? Comment below or write your own post for us to get inspired!