Sarah Arnold-Hall

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A Simple Tool To Overcome Procrastination

You know that thing on your to-do list you’ve been meaning to do for ages, but you just keep putting it off?

99% of the time, it’s because of this one thing:

The items on your to-do list aren’t actually actions – they’re end results.


Generate leads

Write book

Do livestream

Your brain is confused. “What does that even mean bro?”

Right now, as you’re sitting on the couch scrolling through Tiger King memes, “Generate leads” sounds about as doable as “Fly rocket to Mars.”

Your brain needs you to translate “Generate leads” or “Write book” or “Do livestream” into something it can actually DO.

  • Instead of “Generate leads”
    > “Write “lawn mowing services” on a Word doc, print it off, walk to supermarket, pin up on bulletin board with my phone number attached.”

  • Instead of “Write book”

    > “Open notes app on phone. Write a bullet point list of the main sequence of events.”

  • Instead of “Do livestream”
    > “Brush hair, choose a quote I like, log onto Facebook, press “go live”, add a puppy dog filter, and talk about what the quote means to me – just for 30 seconds.”

Give your brain something it already knows how to do.

Tiny, bite-sized, could-do-it-in-your-sleep, action steps.

Make it doable