Sarah Arnold-Hall

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Sprint + Rest

It might sound counter-intuitive, but the most effective way to hit an impossible goal isn’t to view it like a marathon.

It’s much better to view it as a series of short sprints and rests.

Sprinters don’t experience burnout the way marathoners do.

Sprinters don’t need days and days to recover the way marathoners do.

Sprinters don’t struggle with focus, the way marathoners do.

It’s particularly important with impossible goals because they might be lengthy and could take weeks, months or years to achieve.

Sprinters run FAST.

Marathoners run HARD.

So if you’ve been hard on yourself recently for not being as focused or productive as you’d like to be – it might be because you’re treating your goals like a marathon.

Instead try this: Sprint, then rest.

Here’s what that could look like in action:

  • 25 minutes of work, followed by a 5 minute break (the pomodoro technique). Repeat.

  • A 7 day mindset journaling challenge.

  • 4 coaching calls with an hour break in between each (rather than 4 back-to-back calls with the rest of the day off).

  • Giving 100% effort to a task for a quarter of the time.

How could you break your impossible goal down into sprints and rests?